Here is all the stuff that came out of the top 2 shelves....
I had to get rid of some things that had gotten shoved to the back and were hard as a rock!! Here's what's left......
now my new cabinet!!!!!

On the middle shelf there, the large one has all the crackers, the medium one has all the candy, and the small one has other snacks....dried fruit and Little Debbie cakes

On the middle shelf there, the large one has all the crackers, the medium one has all the candy, and the small one has other snacks....dried fruit and Little Debbie cakes
The top shelf....the medium one has 2 packages of marshmallows...the other 2 are EMPTY right now!!! And look at how much space is around them!
This is so great, I love it!!
BTW I'm taking orders for Tupperware until March 12 2009, contact me if you'd like to place an order!!
Wow that looks so nice and organized now! OMGosh you better not get me addicted to tupperware! LOL